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Search engines need to see your site

Have you just launched your blog? WordPress comes with a built-in setting that discourages search engines from looking at your site if it is turned on. This setting can be helpful for private or development sites. However, should always be disabled. Go to Settings/Reading and search for “Search Engine Visibility”. It is important to make sure that it is turned off. Everything will work fine! This setting is the most crucial for WordPress SEO.

Fine-tune permalinks

If you aren’t sure what this means, here’s the URL for the exact post. The underlined portion is “essential SEO Settings WordPress”. Your blog does not allow you to create permalinks in this way by default. Go to your WordPress dashboard and select Settings – Permalinks. Select the structure “Post name”You can now assign custom URLs to your pages and blog posts. WordPress will also automatically determine the best URL for any post and assign it to you. The post title can be used to fine-tune URLs. If you don’t see a URL, save a draft. It should appear after the page loads. This is the most important idea. Talking about posts and their effect on your WordPress blog SEO

Good content is important. Write often.

This might not be the most intuitive way to go about SEO settings, but it is important. It is not enough for your site to rank high on Google. But good content can make a big difference. Google is quite adept at identifying good content. You might want to use the phrase “motorcycling helmet cleansers” in your article, but not too often. Your ranking won’t change if you use your keyphrase eight times per paragraph. In fact, it might make you rank lower. Be natural, but smart. You should use every opportunity to include a keyword, but not too many. You might find it essential for SEO, but too many keywords can cause more harm than good. Regularly updating your site will help you with SEO. Google will notice that your site has been updated regularly, and it will also give you more content to rank your website on. This doubles the benefits of user engagement and retention. Don’t overdo it, this is one of the key rules of SEO. Your rank will drop if you update your site 10 times per day with the same content. You have the option of posting unique, valuable content 3-4 times per day. A site that is updated with a quality article once a week is more valuable than one that is updated daily with fluff.

Speed up your website

Website speed is an important factor. Google also takes this into consideration. Site speed is not the only thing that can slow down your website.  Site speed is critical in early exits and bounce rates. It directly impacts user experience. You will lose more visitors, your SEO rank will decline, which will result in fewer visitors to your site, and even more frustrated visitors.

Correctly set your tags and categories

WordPress allows you to organize your content using tags and categories. With categories and tags, the general idea is to:

  • Use categories to group posts under one topic
  • Use tags to highlight specific aspects or sub-topics in your posts

This example will help you understand the concept better:

Food is the most popular topic in blogging. Here are three examples of blog posts you could make:

  • “Spanish Paella Recipe” – category: recipes, tags: dinner, rice, spinach
  • “How to Make Scrambled Eggs”- Category: Recipes, Tags: Breakfast, Eggs
  • “How to Pair Wine with Food” – Category: drink, tags wine

This is just one example. But you get the idea. Categories are more general than tags and are a level below tags.

This method of organizing content has the main SEO benefit that WordPress creates separate archives pages for your tags and categories. These archive pages can be valuable resources if you have a well-structured category and tag structure. This blog has WordPress tutorials. You can see the results in action.

Use an SEO plugin

Yoast SEO is one of the most popular SEO plugins for WordPress. However, alternatives are also available. It’s constantly updated to keep up to date with search engine changes. It contains all the necessary SEO settings to make your site an SEO powerhouse. Yoast’s best feature is its simplicity. It doesn’t need any configuration. You can generally use the factory settings. Fine-tuning some things takes only a few minutes, and it can be very rewarding. Here are some things you can do. Go to Search Engine Optimization – General – Webmaster Tools. Enter your verification code into Google Search Console. Follow the highlighted link for your code:

Scroll down to Search Appearance, and click on each tab.

Start with Content Types

You should ensure that you enable all options for your pages and posts.

Next, Media. There’s one thing:

Allow the option to redirect attachment URLs to the attachments.

Next tab, Taxonomies. Here you can choose how to handle category and tag listings in your WordPress blog.

If your blog has many tags and categories, then search results should show them. You can disable search if you only have a few categories or one category. This will help you avoid duplicate content, which is a major factor in your basic WordPress SEO.

Next tab, Archives.

WordPress creates archives for author accounts and also sets up date-based archives.

Disable the author archives for blogs with only one author. You can disable the date archives, but it is recommended that you also disable them.

These are the essential SEO settings in Yoast.

Optimize your images

It is important to manage your media correctly in order to gain an SEO edge. Many website owners neglect image captions, text, and file names. These are all important and easy to add. Images are added to posts after they have been written. This is why images are often overlooked. The author spent three hours writing the post. Adding text to 20 images was tiring, and it will take another 20 minutes. It’s fair enough. But is it worth losing your rank? Google can be provided with additional information by filling in the name. Make sure that the file name is legible. Add a caption or alt text to your content. After that is done, the next aspect of image optimization consists of properly handling image files. Images take up lots of space on your server and take a long time to load in the reader’s browser.

This has two problems:

  • Google now actively penalizes sites that take too long to load – you’ll lose rankings
  • People won’t wait for more than two seconds before your site loads. Anything beyond that, and they’ll go elsewhere.

Give your post titles extra attention

Your page’s title is the most important element. It is the first thing search engines will see and it is also the first thing users will see. It must be catchy for users and keyword-targeted for search engines. You should find the right balance between these two. Although I wouldn’t say it in front of SEO people, I would be open to the idea if they asked. You can change the meta title of your page, which provides search engines with information about it. I believe the actual title is more useful for users.

Use essential SEO settings for your posts

Yoast SEO plugin will show a box called “Yoast SEO” under every post. You can control the appearance of your Google result by using the snippet editor. To get an evaluation of whether your post is in line with current SEO guidelines, you can also set the focus keyword. This is a great way for you to create content that is more targeted to search engines, and to gain additional visitors. Even though an automatic post is generated, I enjoy editing the snippet. These small touches can make a website stand out from other websites.

Test your site for mobile friendliness

Google also likes to see websites with essential SEO settings. This means that prefers to see a mobile-friendly optimized design. Why? The reason is simple: More people are accessing the internet via mobile phones than via laptops and desktop computers. It’s simple. If your website fails to load on mobile devices, your rank will be lost. Although it sounds a bit strange, the deal is clear. So how do you make sure everything is in order? Google offers a tool that allows us to test our websites and ensure everything works as it should. It is simply known as the Mobile-Friendly Test. It is important to test your website thoroughly. Check that your pages, blog posts, and homepage are all working properly. Follow Google’s suggestions to fix any concerns if you see them.

Refer friends

Social media is one part of this. Engage with potential visitors (i.e., visitors) to ensure you are present and active. Your target audience) as often as possible. Google will consider incoming links if you get people talking about your company. The more weight a website links to you, the higher it is ranked. Talking to website owners about your industry and making new friends is another part of this. Contact people even if they are seeking something. Offer advice and other help if you can. This will quickly make you friends and will encourage others to write about you. Being kind has amazing far-reaching effects and opens up a lot of doors. Even if it means you have to do more than you want, it might be a way to get a boost later.

Conclusion – Be smart

Do you not know if proper naming of image files should be an essential SEO setting for WordPress? Take the time to name them correctly. The worst thing that could happen is nothing. Google will use this information in a small way to improve your ranking. Although it might not be significant, a few small things like these could help you gain the edge that you require. Because many websites use screenshots, and they are too lazy or inept to rename them, the image file is a great example. It’s much simpler to simply take a screenshot and drag & drop it. It seems like a waste to spend time renaming the file. Google also takes file names into consideration.

The most important rule is that Google has always attempted to determine the content of your content by imitating human behavior. Computers can’t do it better than humans. Humans are more adept at identifying what is valuable than computers. The more natural-looking content you have, the better. There are some tips and tricks that you can use but they will soon become outdated. People used to fill their pages with keywords, then hide them from the public. This helped gain quick SEO rankings. Google was able to identify the problem and penalized websites that did not comply with its rules with severe rank reductions. Create good content, target content, and be sensible. Use the tools available to tell Google as much as you can about your content. Those are your essential SEO settings. If you do your job right, all search engines will give you a high ranking.